Amitabh Bachchan tells Abhishek Bachchan, ‘Let them say what they say..’ as he reviews his film ‘I Want To Talk’ – Read inside | Hindi Movie News

Amitabh Bachchan tells Abhishek Bachchan, ‘Let them say what they say..’ as he reviews his film ‘I Want To Talk’ – Read inside | Hindi Movie News

Amitabh Bachchan tells Abhishek Bachchan, 'Let them say what they say..' as he reviews his film 'I Want To Talk' - Read inside

Abhishek Bachchan’s film ‘I Want To Talk‘ directed by Shoojit Sircar has just released on Friday, November 22. The film has been getting rave reviews from all over, especially for Abhishek’s performance. He seems to have set his own benchmark high with this one, however, the film hasn’t been getting similar response when it comes to the box office numbers. Amidst all the praise for the movie, Amitabh Bachchan has also penned down his thought about the film at length on his blog.
Big B wrote on his blog. “Some films invite you to be entertained .. some films invite you to BE the film .. I WANT TO TALK .. just does that .. it invites you to BE the film ..! It picks you up up gently from your seat in the Theatre and places you , equally gently , inside the screen it is being projected upon .. and you watch its life floating by .. No effort or chance of wanting to escape from it into … ESCAPISM .. and .. Abhishek .. you are not Abhishek .. you are ARJUN SEN of the film.”
He further quoted his father Harivanshrai Bachchan’s lines and said, “अच्छे ने अच्छा और, बुरे ने बुरा जाना मुझे, जिसकी जितनी जरूरत थी, उसने उतना ही पहचाना मुझे !!
Thus further translating it in English and explaining his context, Big B added, “Let them say what they say .. but this is what I say 👆🏼 .. the say for the film .. And I am in remembrance of my poojya Babuji’s words: The good did think of me to be good ; the bad did think of me as bad .. the need for whichever, was the need for them , did they recognise me with that. It was their ‘need’ to to think of me as good or bad .. whatever was their ‘need’, that was how much they did recognise me .. your greed for the good in me can be good .. your greed to express the bad in me can be bad. But it was YOUR ‘need’ to think good or think bad .. and that was my recognition .. it was not what I was .. IT WAS YOUR NEED TO THINK OF ME AS BAD .. OR THINK OR ME AS GOOD .. THAT WAS how much you could understand me ..”
He concluded by saying, “THE ULTIMATE WHIP OF SARCASM !!!! and reality .. you think of someone as good , because your need is for you to think so .. you think of someone as bad because your need for you is to think so .. your need for the good and the bad was a calculated one , FOR that is how you much you gave value to my recognition !!! the eternal truth of life. It was your need to write falsehood about me .. it was your need to write the goodness in me .. and that need was the value of how much you did recognize me ..recognise me .. not know me .. !!!!😁 the ultimate philosophic sarcasm – satire, the sneering scoffing gibbing trenchancy .. of those that now try desperately to uphold the crumbled pillar of the five .. AND ALL THE EF MUST UNDERSTAND WELL FOR WHOM THIS IS WRITTEN .. !”

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